Pull Your Tooth or Save It? Which is Best?
When your tooth is infected or diseased, it may seem like pulling it is the easy choice, especially if you’re in pain. But not so fast! Having that tooth pulled may be the easy choice, but it may not be the best choice. Most people are unaware of the benefits […]
Medical Benefits of Braces
Braces have become a common treatment for both teenagers and adults who want a straighter, more beautiful looking smile. A pretty smile is nice, but there are also medical benefits of braces, some of which may surprise you. Improved bite While one of the goals of getting braces is to […]
How Often Should I Replace My Toothbrush?
When was the last time you replaced your toothbrush? We throw out expired foods, restock vitamins and supplements, and replace our beauty products often, but when it comes to health and beauty, it’s our dental hygiene that doesn’t get as much attention or thought as other areas of our regimen. […]
What Causes Bad Breath?
Bad breath, we all know what it is and we’ve all been embarrassed by our own from time to time. But what causes it? Knowing and understanding what causes bad breath can help you prevent it and the embarrassment that often accompanies it. Read on to learn more about what […]