Dental Check Up

Home Dental Check Up

Dental Check Up in Sangamner

A regular dental check-up is important because they help keep your teeth and gums healthy. You should have a regular dental visit at least every 6 months or as recommended by the best dentist in Sangamner – Dr. Kumudini Ghule. Nityaseva Dental clinic in Sangamner has provided the dental check-up service at an affordable cost.

Why is a Dental Check-up Important?

People who are regular with their dental check-up appointments have lesser cavities, gum diseases, and good overall health. But, many a time, people ask “Why is a dental check-up important?” So, here’s why!

Benefits of Regular Dental Check-up
Regular dental visits are important because they help to keep your teeth and gums healthy.
Monitoring this helps your dentist treat these conditions at the earliest before they become advanced or painful.
During the dental check-up, your dental professional will check your overall oral health for any trouble areas.
During the cleaning, your dental professional will remove any plaque and tartar build up and may polish your teeth.
What does a dental check-up consist of at Nityaseva Hospital Sangamner?

In the previous para, you see why regular dental check-ups are important and their benefits. Dr. Kumudini Ghule at Nityaseva Dental clinic has given the dental check-up service. During the dental check-up at Nityaseva dental clinic, you know the basic points.

  • Your last visited a dentist 6 months back
  • You notice a slight reddening of your gums
  • Tooth pain
  • Persistent canker sores
  • The sensitivity of a tooth or teeth to the hot or cold stimulus
  • White or light brown spots on your teeth
  • Chronic headaches
What happens during a check-up?

At each check-up, Dr. Kumudini Ghule will ask about any difficulties since your last visit. As you settle into the dental chair, a check-up, scaling, and polishing takes place.

Dr. Kumudini will check for cavities and see if there’s any plaque – that’s the clear, sticky layer of bacteria – or tartar on your teeth. Next, the dentist checks the gums, seeing if the spaces between your teeth and gums are shallow. The dentist also checks the tongue, throat, face, and neck, looking for any signs of trouble or swelling as well as detecting any signs that might indicate oral cancer.

Get in touch

For quality and affordable dental cover, join the best dental treatment clinic in Sangamner. Dr. Kumudini is a dentist in Sangamner and offers dental treatment for different dental problems. To book an appointment please calls us today on 0899094497.